And it’s in groups like this one that the shippers compare notes, run down evidence. We had to request and be granted access to a Shipper Facebook group called Larry Shippers :) :) to do these interviews. The Facebook groups all seem to be closed, invitation only. PJ: Shippers find each other online in all the usual places teens do. But.we actually.we just don’t think that they genuinely are together at all. PJ: Do you think it’s possible that she could just be a shy person?ĮLI: It’s definitely possible. PJ: If I had to characterize the way you said that, I would say that you say that suspiciouslyĮLI: You know, if you’ve been going out with someone for as long as those two have been going out, you’d think they would show a lot of them being together and doing things but there’s no pictures of them ever. PJ: What can you tell me about Eleanor Calder?ĮLI: There’s not a lot I can tell you because she doesn’t really do social media that much.but…. For obvious reasons, they’re suspicious about this woman who claims to be Louis’ girlfriend. PJ: There are hundreds of thousands of Larry Shippers online.
#Video diary one direction week 6 tv#
VICTORIA: They used to make video diaries for the TV show and.we just saw that they were always very close to each other-a lot closer than the rest of the members-they’ve been like that ever since, so I mean, it just caught on to a lot of peopleĮLI: I mean.they looked at each other like.I don’t know, they love each other a lot.ĮLI: what was it.what was it I heard? That management was scared that if they came out, sales would go down.which is like the main thing they’re not together in the public eye. She says the evidence has been there from the very beginning. And Victoria, as is the case with many Larry shippers, she’s actually pretty sure they already are. Larry because it’s a mashup of Louis and Harry, and shipper because she wants them to be in a relationship. PJ: This is Victoria, a one Direction fan. PJ: and X Factor is like the reality TV show that the band sort of got their start…? VICTORIA: So back in X Factor, a couple of people seemed to notice a relationship between the two members That the two members of One Direction, Harry and Louis are actually secretly in love with each other. Foisted on One Direction by their evil corporate Management. They believed, they still believe, that Eleanor Calder is a cover. What he didn’t know, what he couldn’t have known, was that there was a deeper reason for these fans interest in Eleanor Calder. In his mind, the questions they were asking were none of their business. Keith did not tell the fans that Eleanor was not his sister. PJ: From Gimlet, this is Reply All, a show about the internet, and I'm PJ Vogt. KEITH: Right, but what I later found out is that they’ve done this to many people called Calder-I’m not the only person. PJ: there are a lot of Calders in the world… KEITH: Oh they think, that because my name is Calder, that I must be related to the Calder they must think she's my sister. So now it seems clear to Keith what’s going on. One of them, Louis, has a girlfriend, a model named Eleanor Calder. PJ: One Direction, of course, is the boy band of the moment. I started doing some research and I realized that there was this woman, young woman, called Eleanor Calder and that she was dating a member of One Direction

KEITH: And then I realize something is up but I don't I don't know exactly what but something's up. Keith could not imagine anything she would’ve done to provoke the attention of a crowd of online strangers. PJ: For what it’s worth, Keith does have a sister. So this went on.I’m scrolling down.hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of tweets. and don’t just rt this shit and not answer my question just tell me. KEITH CALDER: do you have a sister and what is her name.do you have a sister. On Twitter, two years ago, when a bunch of random teenagers started asking Keith if he had a sister Both stories start at the same time and place. PJ VOGT: Depending on who you ask, Keith Calder’s either a 35-year old film producer who lives in LA, OR he’s a player in a vast international conspiracy designed to conceal the greatest love story never told.